Top Row: Stephen Knapp, Kimberly Knapp, Sor Laurinda Mayer,
Bottom Row: Meradi Knapp, Joanne Mekis
Elevated school in Vera Cruz, Honduras. The school was funded by Project:Streetkids International and built by the Vera Cruz community.
Project: Streetkids International is a Christian organization devoted to helping street children and at-risk youth in their local communities. The organization was formed by individuals who have realized the need to help at-risk youth and street children by working with them locally. As an organization, we will continue the work that our founders began.
Project: Streetkids International is helping to offer children a safe haven to live and be rehabilitated. Some of the children with whom our founders have assisted are young people who have lived in the streets of El Progreso, Honduras. These children rely on drastic means in order to survive. The children huff glue and use other drugs to drive away their hunger pains. Prostitution, theft, gang-related activities, and other street survival techniques are employed by the children. The children are victims of poverty and their environment.
Project: Streetkids International strives to help young people gain confidence through education and self-reliance. Volunteers work with the children to improve their quality of life and to teach them skills that will give them a better future. Education is primary in reaching that goal.
Encouraging autonomy through education.
Our founding members assisted in the construction of a small library for an orphanage in El Progreso, Honduras. The children now have a safe haven to dream, learn, and imagine through reading books. The children were empowered by the volunteers to create artwork and crafts which were given in exchange for donations in the United States. 100% of the donations received from these crafts and artwork were used to paint and finish construction of the library area, and purchase books and furnishings for the room.
This project gave the children proud ownership in their home by helping with its completion.
Providing visions of hope, healing, and learning.
Project: Streetkids International helps to provide young people with visions of hope, healing, and learning. Our educators and volunteers employ creative ways of teaching and strive to give children the love and encouragement that they need. Art, music, gardening, reading, and helping with construction are some examples of how the children have fun while learning. Creativity through these methods has proven to be a healing measure in the rehabilitation of the children. We stress the importance of education as a way to help them develop into productive members of their communities.
Our Mission Statement
Project: Streetkids International is a charitable organization dedicated to aiding street children and at-risk youth. We work with local organizations to provide: education, rehabilitation, social and moral development, healthcare, and construction.
Our vision is to help street children around the world achieve a bright and positive future.
Project: Streetkids International Board of Directors
Joanne Mekis - President
Stephen Knapp - Vice President
Kimberly Knapp - Secretary
Project: Streetkids International is a non profit 501[c][3] organization dedicated to aiding street children and at-risk youth. We work with local organizations internationally to provide: education, rehabilitation, social and moral development, healthcare, and construction. Project: Streetkids International helps young people who are at-risk and those children will receive equal consideration regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, ancestry, or disability.